Alternative Center for Education
August 7, 2020
Dear Parent/Legal Guardian
Welcome to the Alternative Center for Education.
Our mission is to assist every student in achieving an education in a safe environment while promoting good citizenship. The Louisiana State Department of Education has written and we are implementing an on-level comprehensive curriculum in the areas of English, math, science, and social studies. This curriculum is paced and requires that parents, teachers, and students work together to ensure our students’ academic success. We hope to offer each student the opportunity to further his/her academic progress once they leave our school. The administration and staff look forward to assisting you and your child.
Research indicates that there is a positive and convincing relationship between family involvement and benefits for students, including improved social development and academic achievement. Your active participation in your child’s education is critical at the Alternative Center for Education. You are encouraged to contact the school regarding your child’s progress and/or any concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact the school at 369-3696 to schedule an appointment with the teacher(s) or the administration. Classroom visitation is encouraged and welcomed. All visitors must sign-in with the secretary in the front office and receive a visitor’s pass.
Your child must successfully complete the program at the Alternative Center for Education prior to transitioning to another school within the Iberia Parish School System.
Maxine J. Jones
Program Administrator